Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wow! Rejection...sometimes is not as bad as you make it.

So why the, “Wow?” you may ask.
I sent my first query letter out yesterday and was met with my first rejection. I’m proud to say it was my first, which means I wrote a novel and attempted what I set out to do.
What I set out to do. I found my ideal literary agent, and shot for the moon. Maybe I’ll fall a little short of the moon, but maybe a little short is where God wants me. Sometimes finding a better fit is way better for you in the long run.
 The agent was very kind. I will not give names, or who that person works with, but this is what he had to say.
“Thanks so much for giving me a shot at your novel. I’m sorry to say that I wasn’t connecting wholeheartedly with your writing, despite its poise and polish, so I ought to step aside, but I truly appreciate the look, and I wish you the best of luck!”
Now, I could look into what he said, and think this or that, but a literary agent with a big company said, “…despite its poise and polish,” which to me sounds pretty darn good. So just like the guy who invented the telephone, I’m taking this little rejection letter (Which, I’d hardly say felt like rejection), as a victory step in the right direction.
I’d hope that this was my first and last rejection, but I’m prepared for more, and maybe not as kind as my first, but to me this was encouragement to continue on.
So continue to wish me luck and keep on praying!
If I encourage you in the process; please feel free to send me a note.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Home sick...first submission.

I caught some bug over the weekend and ended up lying around all weekend trying to recoup. Thanks to my awesome wife I feel much better.
 I finally sent off my first query letter for a literary agent today. As I was reading my synopsis I felt a little silly about trying to make a business deal with a Zombie manuscript, but I guess people have done it before. I know my story has more than just zombies, there's quite a bit more, but it still seemed a little silly.

Wish my luck, and say a prayer!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back up a few steps!!! Read how it all got started!

I want to back up a little bit in my story and give you all a little insight into the writing process as I have seen it progress. Initially, I was encouraged by my wife and Stephenie Meyers of all people to just write a story.  I had begun a few screenplays and worked on some other ideas for stories, but had never really taken them seriously. Let’s just say I had really boring jobs and wanted something to do while I waited for my next project. Stephenie taught me one thing which I’ll be grateful for; you don’t have to write like some scholarly dude from the 1800’s, or fill the pages with lavish details for a book to be good. Simple details, that keep the story moving forward was something I felt she’s good at.

With my story well underway I started reading a lot more than I had in a while. Writing gave me a renewed excitement about reading. With all this new inspiration flowing through my veins I changed my idea about my book. See, at first I just wanted to complete it. I didn’t really care if it was good, I really just wanted to say I started something, and completed it. But, a friend who read my first chapter realized I needed help and told me to check into a few books that could help with my writing. Honestly, I don’t remember which books he suggested, but I went to the library and checked out, ‘A Complete Idiots Guide to Writing a Novel.’ I don’t remember the author off hand, but it was amazing, the book gave me so much more information. I read it each day, and was inspired to not only complete my book, but make it really good. I checked out a few more books on the subject, and the more I read, the more inspired I got. The second book I read was called ‘Revision and Self-Editing,’ by James Scott Bell. If you’re a budding writer, or an expert I suggest reading both books, buy copies, and review them from time to time.
Even with this new knowledge, I still needed help and honestly still do. I turned to a friend to read my first finished draft. I’d like to say his input was good, but I think he got bored with my misspellings and gave up. This didn’t shake me up though, because another friend stepped up to the plate and helped review it. His input was much better and he actually finished it, and I thought… now I’m done. Nope, this was I believe the third revision, but the book still needed help. I talked a friend who loves reading, and asked about punctuation, because I knew I still needed help in that area. Still to this day, I don’t think anyone has really defined the rules and stuck to them. I digress. So, I ended up taking another pass at my novel, which meant starting from chapter one, and going all the way to the end, again.

My mom kept mentioning wanting to read my book, and I didn’t want her to have to wait until it got published, so I sent her a few chapters at a time and she’s actually been really helpful in finding things that I missed. I’ve now decided it’ll never be perfect, but if the majority is good, and the story is interesting a publisher will edit it, and possibly want more revisions. That is not to say I haven’t worked my butt off to get it the best I can I just know that even if it’s perfect someone will see things I never could. It’s all about making it better.
So, I believe this gets us up to date. Next week, if all goes well, I will send out my first query letter. After finding out Kathryn Stockett who wrote ‘The Help,’ had 60 agents turn her down before finding one that would work with her, I’m prepared for the rejections. 

If I’m blessed enough to find one quickly, than thank God, if not, I just hope that with every failure, or rejection I can just become a better writer, and guess what, I’ll still thank God.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Time Novelist

I'm a first time novelist, who's starting his journey into the publishing world. I will try my best to give you the insight into my world, as I begin this adventure. Every step of the way I will tell you how things are going. I'm prepared  for rejection letters, for people not liking what I write. I know not everyone will enjoy every writer. I have friends that really enjoy Stephenie Meyers, and then I have friends that think she's a horrible writer. I personally enjoyed some of Twilight, but the point is, not everyone will like what I write. I hope they do, but I'm a bit of a realist. I hope to find an audience that will love what I write. What I enjoy writing about varies, but my first novel is a youth/young adult adventure set with the back-drop of zombies.
     I completed the first draft about 6 months ago, and the final draft today.I'm sure there will be more edits to come, but that's to be expected.
     I've done some research about literary agents, read some books, reviewed a few websites, and watched interviews about getting published. So, as you can tell, I'm still a newbie in this process. http://www.writersdigest.com/ has been a good source, http://stepheniemeyer.com/ has also been a great source. Her being a first time writer, I was inspired by her journey. Also J.K. Rowling's story was quite inspiring as well.
     I'll try to also point out any cool sites I find that help me in my process. If you read this and know of any that may help me in my quest, please feel free to email me.
    Within a week I plan on sending out my first query letter; I'll tell you more as I go.

Tracy Street