Research, and soul search!
I’ve done my research and picked two new victims, I mean literary agents. Well I guess I should say, one’s an agent, the other is a publisher who accepts submissions from authors. Since I don’t have an agent, I’m free to shop as I please. Doing a little bit of research, I found out that some publishing houses will accept submissions. They may be a rare exception to the rule, but if there’s a company you’d like to work with, you might as well go out and research them. Any way I digress. The two I have selected are about as far from each as the moon from the sun. Again, I won’t mention names because I think it could be tacky if I was rejected, and they were rude, or something worse and I went around slamming them. I think professionalism is important. One company deals with spiritual fiction, but doesn’t focus solely on that, the other deals with teckie, horror, and stuff that you might find geeks, or Sci-fi fans reading.
After my first rejection, I did a little soul searching, as well as looking at the list of agents. There are a few I’d love to work with; some seem to have like minded ideals, morals, and convictions. Then there are others that I’d love because they’ve worked with some of the greats. I have to narrow my search and find an agent that would best serve my manuscript, someone who could best reach my intended audience, or a bigger one.
I had time, so I decided to get a third agent into the mix, this time it’s an agency that represented an author of a book I’m currently reading. I really like their creative titles, covers, and subject matter covered in their novels. They have the type of stuff I’d actually stop to look at when shopping. That’s a good quality to have, because if the covers and titles are boring and bland you might as well keep on walking, meaning find yourself another agent.
Am I nervous? Yes, because I’m putting myself out there, and allowing myself to be critiqued, but if you don’t do it, and don’t allow for rejection you will never succeed. Like faith, God says, seek and you shall find, not sit on your butt and wait for it to happen.
If you have questions please send them out!
Go for it brother!