As most of you know, I'm trying to find a literary agent. I'm not one to ramble with nothing to say, well at least I try not to. So I'll keep it short. I was rejected for the 3rd time. No biggie. I've decided to continue to keep working on my book, and each rejection pushes me to make the book better, and the query letters better. I could kick myself though, with this last query. In my opening statement I didn't put an "S" on the end of a word, so I'm pretty sure from the get go, they decided that's a big NO. Sometime I read, re-read, re-re-read, but I miss it. So I need to make it a regular practice to print it, and check again. I know that the "S" was probably not the kill shot for the query letter, but it doesn't help to start off on the wrong foot.
Most agents now seem to only want the query letter, and the first 5 pages of your story. That doesn't give you that much time to grab their attention. I had about 2 pages of build up before I reveal it's a zombie invasion going on, but I removed that and started with the action. If the name of the book doesn't give it away then it must be zombies reading it. The beginning did nothing to advance the plot, or build the main character in any way, shape, or form. So I ditched it.
Also, another big change; It's been going out at a 100,000 word manuscript. Although I think it works at that length I did a little research. Okay, so I asked a literary agent on Twitter if 100,000 was too much for my first story and she said probably so. So now I'm editing it down to 80,000 words. I don't think this is the main issue either with not getting representation, but I think this will help. Plus by editing down to the essentials drives the story forward more, adding more tension, and it seems to be more humorous this way.
The rejection letter didn't give me a lick of information to go on, and after reading a lot about them on Query Shark, I don't expect their help either. But, and it's a big BUT... I'm moving forward, progressing, and getting better. So one step forward, is a step in the right direction.
I read an article today that said Zombies bring over 5 Billion to the economy... I'm just asking for a small chuck of that.
God Bless you all... and Happy Halloween!
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