Random Blog:
It’s been a while since I’ve giving you an update on my search for a Literary Agent. Well, there isn’t one. I’ve been very busy this month with NaNoWriMo (November writing challenge 50,000 words in one month).
It’s been fun and I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t have any trouble with finishing, but once done, that doesn’t mean this is a completed book by any means.
I think some people think an author writes a book and then it goes to print, or they have an editor that comes along and finishes everything else up. Maybe if you’re the greatest writer in the world. Most authors thought write a first draft, which is rough, very rough. Then they take another stab, and details, cut story arcs, shift characters speaking because one would say what you wrote, but another might. I’d dare to say there’s a lot more work after you write the rough draft then there was writing it in the first place.
Plus I think most writers go through, “Is this any good, will someone want to read it, and question life as a writer.” I’m not even published or doing it full time, but I’ve spent time thinking those very things. One thing though that I do know is I love to write, I love creating stories, characters, and throwing these wonderful people I create into horrible, life threatening situations. So I keep writing.
Here’s where random part 2 comes in.
The Sing Off… fan or foe?
I’ve been watching the show, The Sing Off, I enjoy listening to most of the groups sing, but I can get pretty worked up if the judges blatantly choose groups “I” deem not good enough to move on. So here’s my two cents on the subject. The fans aren’t stupid, we know which groups did a better job, and which ones can’t cut it. Just so you know, you’re not pulling one over on me, or anyone else for that matter.
I don’t like watching most reality TV because it’s such… crap. But the Sing off has real talent but they’ve simply selected the more boring groups to move on. For instance, Afro-Blue, yes I get their talented, but they’re boring and they always seem to fall apart during every song, doing these ninth chords over a fifth or something silly that just sounds like someone saying, “Look at what I can do,” but the viewing audience sees it, as boring, and out of key. Urban Method has a good rap guy and one of their girls, the dark skinned girl can sing her butt off, but the girl they put out front is truly average. Her tone is boring, she doesn’t command the stage, and has nothing original about her. Compare her to Angie who was in Delilah and you see she’s just a subpar performer. She may be the nicest girl in the world, but she can’t sing like some of the other people in the competition. All she has is that she can go up two octaves, but it’s horrible just hearing that. Not impressed.
North Shore was another group that could sing circles around any of the kids on the show, they had one slightly lackluster performance and they’re eliminated. I’m pretty sure that was a producer that said, “Get rid of them.”
Vocal Point was kicked off last week, and although not my favorite they performed a hundred times better than Afro Blue. During the judge’s comments they said Vocal Point needed to experiment more…did you see the Kinks song they did. That was pretty ballsy, just two weeks earlier. Not sure what crack the judges are smoking, but if I smoked cracked I’d want some. Keep in mind the audience isn’t stupid like you think we are, and if you don’t the show won’t stay on the air.
Not like anyone will really care what I say, but a lady I work with who loved the show until they got rid of all the good acts, besides Dartmouth, and Pentatonics. She decided she didn’t want to watch anymore because the judging was so bad.
Random part 3. Grimm!
Okay now for some fun. Has anyone been watching Grimm? This show is stinking awesome. I wish it wasn’t on Friday’s; what a horrible time frame. But they’ve got a fan in me, I’ve watched three episodes and it’s so much fun. It’s like every week, we get new characters, inventive stories, and some pretty good laughs too. (I don’t get paid anything for this rant) Watch it on TV, on line, or whatever you do, but just watch so they don’t cancel the best thing on TV. Support what you like, and not what you don't is what I always say.
Well have an awesome day and all that good stuff.
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